GATE CS Applied Course
All India Scholarship Test for GATE CS 2022 results
All India Scholarship Test for GATE CSE 2022 Aspirants
1 - 100
Full Fees Wavier
101 - 200
50% Fees Wavier.
101 - 200
25% Fees Wavier.
Date of the exam: 20th June 2021, 15:00 Hrs to 16:30 Hrs
All the candidates appearing for the scholarship test will get a discount of ₹ 2,000/- on the course price of ₹ 20,999/-.
Syllabus for the Scholarship Test
Here is the list of concepts for the test along with free videos covering these concepts in detail. For sample questions, you may check out the below test
Test Link
NOTE: We strongly recommend you watch these free videos and take practice tests to have an advantage in the exam.


Linear Algebra



Why study DS and Algorithms?

Why and how to learn Linear Algebra?

Why study Combinatorics?

Why study Probability?

Sorting & Searching : why bother with these simple tasks?

How to learn Maths?

Permutations and Combinations: an introduction


Insertion sort : 7 videos

Matrices: Linear Transformations

Solved Problems-1

Axioms of Probability, Properties and Examples

Analyzing an algorithm : 3 videos

Matrix Matrix Multiplication and Addition

Solved Problems-2

Conditional Probability & Examples

Big O, Theta, Omega notation : 16 videos

Transpose and Dot-product

Recap: Sum Rule, Product Rule, Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion

Multiplication theorem

Merge Sort : 9 videos

Types of Matrices

Solved Problems-3

Independent events

Solving Recurrences : 5 videos



Law of total Probability

Recursion in Programming : 3 videos

Co-factor, Adjoint and Inverse of a Matrix

Pigeon hole principle

Baye's Theorem

Bubble Sort : 3 videos

Solved Problems & elementary row and column operations


Solved problems

Quick sort : 13 videos

Special types of Matrices and properties


Selection Sort : 6 videos

Trace of a Matrix


Linear time sorting : 6 videos

Rank of a Matrix


Data Structures & Introduction : 2 videos

Solution of a system of linear equations


Single Linked List : 8 videos

Eigenvalues and EigenVectors


Doubly linked list : 5 videos

Cayley-Hamilton Theorem & Diagonalization


Circular Linked List : 4 videos

LU Decomposition


Stacks : 4 videos


Expression Evaluation : 5 videos


More Application: Stacks


Solved Problems on Stack : 7 videos

Guidelines & Exam pattern of All India Scholarship Test
  1. The total number of questions will be 45.



# of Questions

Data Structures and Algorithms


Counting, Probability, and Linear Algebra


Click here to go to take the test

  1. It will be a total of 70 marks, in which 25 questions of 2 marks each and 20 questions of 1 mark each.

  2. There will be negative marks for each wrong answer in the case of MCQ type questions. 1/3rd marks will be deducted from each wrong answer.

  3. There are no negative marks for the Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions and Multiple Select Questions (MSQ).

  4. The duration of the exam is 90 minutes. (20th June 2021 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM).

  5. Even though we have tested our servers thoroughly still, there is a little chance our servers might go down because of the surge of the traffic if it exceeds 5000 users then we will enable the backup link here, where you can retake the test again.

  6. Please note that you can only take the test on desktop/laptop. Please have power backup and internet connectivity back up( you can use a 4G hotspot). In case if you are disconnected the test may fail.

  7. Applied course wishes you all the best for your exam

  8. The pattern and rules of the exam are the same as the GATE pattern.

  9. The students getting enrolled via benefits of scholarship test at Gate Applied Course will be considered as Course Enrolled students only.


  1. Results will be published on this page on 21st June 2021, by 7:00 PM. Please note the following key points.
  2. Candidates found malpractice during the exam will be blocked from our future tests, free videos, mock-tests, and services for 1 year.
  3. Coupon codes for all the winners will be shared by 23rd June 2021.
  4. All the coupon codes shared will be valid for 7 days. The codes will be shared on to the registered e-mail id.
  5. Students who have already purchased the GATE CS BLENDED COURSE and are left with at least 6 months of course validity will be rewarded as per their ranks in this exam (students who had the access to GATE CS 2022 Blended Course till FEB 2022 at least.).
  6. The students who have already availed any kind of discounts will get the scholarship benefits after deducting that availed discount amount from it.
  7. Only those students who are eligible to give GATE exam can claim fee waivers/refunds. Also need to send us the marks list/ provisional certificate as a proof for the same.
  8. Results announced by the Applied Course team are final, non-negotiable and absolute.



The code is only applicable on the purchase of 12 months of course (GATE CS 2022 Blended Course). The students who have already purchased the GATE CS 2022 Blended Course will be eligible for the refund (Maximum of ₹ 20,999/- or ₹ 22,999/-)
The code is only applicable on the purchase of 12 months of course (GATE CS 2022 Blended Course). The students who have already purchased the GATE CS 2022 Blended Course will be eligible for the refund (Maximum of ₹ 20,999/- or ₹ 22,999/-)
You have to just keep yourself signed up on our website. There are no separate links/options/forms for the registration of the Scholarship Test.
You have to just keep yourself signed up on our website. There are no separate links/options/forms for the registration of the Scholarship Test.
The topics clearly mentioned in the table are only the part of the syllabus.
The topics clearly mentioned in the table are only the part of the syllabus.
No refunds will be given to the test series registered students.
No refunds will be given to the test series registered students.


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    Financial District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad,
    Telangana 500032
Plot No 87, TNGO Colony, Phase-2,
Financial District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500032


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  • +91 844-844-0102
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  • Plot No 87, TNGO Colony, Phase-2,
    Financial District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad,
    Telangana 500032
Plot No 87, TNGO Colony, Phase-2,
Financial District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500032


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